Genova-Importante comunicazione sulla logistica
Aggiornamento logistica Genova
(August 17, 2018)
La nostra società esprime la propria sentita vicinanza a tutte le famiglie coinvolte nella tragica vicenda dello scorso 14 Agosto.
Pur in questo momento drammatico per la nostra città, ci siamo attivati sin da subito per collaborare con tutte le Istituzioni e le Autorità competenti al fine di individuare le migliori soluzioni logistiche e consentire la prosecuzione dell'operatività del Porto di Genova, con il solo e chiaro obiettivo di garantirVi la totale efficienza dei nostri servizi.
Dal punto di vista delle viabilità stradale le soluzioni sono già state individuate e verranno messe in atto a brevissimo, mentre per quanto riguarda la linea ferroviaria, in attesa che venga ripristinata entro i prossimi 15/20 giorni, garantiremo i collegamenti tramite servizi camionistici a condizioni economiche invariate (intermodale) sul nostro Terminal IMT di Genova che Vi confermiamo essere pienamente operativo e flessibile.
Vi invitiamo comunque a contattarci nel caso necessitaste di avere ulteriori informazioni, confermandoVi la massima disponibilità da parte di tutto il nostro personale.
Cordiali saluti,
Ignazio Messina & C.
Port Community System
Decreto Autorità Portuale
(August 4, 2017)
Come da decreto n. 00095 dell'Autorità Portuale, con decorrenza 1/8/2017 è istituita una tariffa di Euro 1,23 (+ IVA ove dovuta) per ogni unità di carico in entrata/uscita nel porto di Genova, a copertura del servizio di Port Community System.
Tale importo verrà da noi fatturato unitamente alle altre prestazioni accessorie al trasporto marittimo.
Sig. Gianfranco Messina
(July 12, 2017)
È mancato questa mattina, poco prima dell’alba, il Sig. Gianfranco Messina. Riferimento indiscusso della società e della famiglia Messina, assieme ai suoi due fratelli Giorgio e Paolo ha retto per lunghi anni densi di successi il timone della nostra azienda. Naturale anello di congiunzione tra storia e futuro, anche negli anni successivi e fino agli ultimi giorni, con la sua costante presenza in azienda insieme al fratello Paolo al fianco di figli e nipoti ha dispensato preziosi consigli e stimoli a tutta la struttura aziendale con la consueta motivazione. Ci mancherà.
Il Santo Rosario sarà recitato questa sera alle ore 19.00 presso la chiesa di Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù (Genova, Via Guerrazzi 23), e il funerale avrà luogo domani 13 luglio alle ore 11.45 presso la medesima chiesa.
This morning, just before dawn, Mr. Gianfranco Messina passed away. Undisputed reference of the company and for his family, together with his two brothers Giorgio and Paolo, he successfully lead the guidance of our company for many years.
A natural link between history and future, even in the following years and up to the last few days, with his constant presence in the company together with his brother Paolo and his sons and grandchildren, he has given valuable advice and motivation to the entire company. We are all going to miss him.
The rosary will be recited today at 7 p.m. in che church of Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù (Genoa, Via Guerrazzi 23) and the funeral will be tomorrow at 11.45 in the same church.
Jolly Nero Judgement
Jolly Nero
(May 17, 2017)
The judgement issued today by the court of Genoa regarding the dramatic accident involving the ship Jolly Nero of May 7th2013, in total respect of the families’ pain, marks an indisputable recognition: Gruppo Messina – under the supervision of Master Giampaolo Olmetti, who has been absolved – employs and manages safe ships; the collapse of the control tower is thus only pertaining to the manoeuvre in the outer harbour of Genoa. In this regard, wewill now have to wait for the motivationsfor the judgmentin order to know howthe judge has rebuilt the behaviour and the role of the various actorsduring this manoeuvre.
Containers to port Sudan
(April 21, 2017)
Effective from 25th April 2017 all containers will be discharged in Port Sudan at Free Out conditions.
Export to Egypt
(February 12, 2017)
On 30th December 2015 the Egyptian Government issued the Ministerial Decrees n. 992/2015 and 43/2016, as proposed by the Minister of Trade and Industry, concerning the creation of a Register of Factories and Companies authorized to export their products to Egypt.
The commodities listed at bottom of the Decrees themselves cannot be imported into Egypt if the foreign Factory producing them isn't officially registered in this record.
The Decrees will be effective from 1st March 2016. Further new rules issued by the Egyptian Central Bank provide that all documents covering a given shipment shall be sent by the Bank of Exporter to the Bank of Egyptian Receiver. By consulting the site of GOIEC (General Organization for Import & Export Control) through the link you will find any further information about this matter, specifically about the registration on said Register of Exporters, the documents required to comply with the new regulations on export to Egypt and the above mentioned Decrees.
Check of container seals
(January 22, 2017)
From 15th February 2016 we shall introduce a SEAL FEE amounting to EURO 5/CONTAINER to be charged on all full containers shipped from Italian/French/Spanish ports.
New Messinaline services
(January 12, 2017)
We would remind you our new services from/to :
the Adriatic Sea (KOPER for containers and rolling cargo)
Greece (PIRAEUS and THESSALONIKI for containers)
the Black Sea (NOVOROSSIJSK and CONSTANTA for rolling cargo)
CASABLANCA (Morocco) for containers, presently dedicated to cross trade cargo
to / from MIDDLE EAST, RED SEA, SOUTH EAST and WEST AFRICAN PORTS with transhipment in Genoa
Kindly liaise with Ignazio Messina Genoa Head Office for further information.
New service to Mersin
Upgrade of East Med Line
(January 11, 2017)
Starting from m/v Jolly Diamante voy 008/2016 Ets Genoa on 28th January next, our Company will serve the port of MERSIN on regular basis accepting containers, rolling units and project cargo.
Service to Nigeria
(November 10, 2016)
A new port charge will be implemented on import cargo destined to Lagos.
It is a lumpsum fee including operation levies, Nimasa levy, towage fees, Mowca, Sea Protection levy and will replace the Government Port tax already applied.
The applicable amounts will be:
20' = NGN 38.000
40' = NGN 76.000
for any kind of equipment and will be payable at destination in local currency.
First concerned sailing: m/v Yanki A voy 537 eta Lagos on 7/12/16.