Change of base rates
(October 18, 2019)
Valued Customers,
effective from MS Jolly Diamante voy. 417 and Jolly Vanadio voy. 419 departures, there will be a change of base rates from West Med to South East Africa and Middle East Africa destinations.
Please contact your Messinaline's local office for further information.
(July 4, 2019)
Due to the recent incidents in the Strait of Hormuz and the related significant increasing of insurance costs in the Middle East Gulf region, our Company is forced to implement an EMERGENCY WAR RISK SURCHARGE which will be applied with immediate effect as follows:
From and To UAE, Oman, Bahrein, Saudi Arabia (Dammam + Jubail), Kuwait, Iraq
Containers : USD 55/TEU
RORO : USD 3/WM (with a minimum of USD 100/unit)
From and To Iran
Containers : EURO 100/TEU
Resumed service
(April 30, 2019)
We are glad to inform that effective from 10th May 2019 our Service to Aden will be resumed, exclusively for non restricted commodity (containers only) .
Middle East Dept. will remain at disposal for any clarification .
War risk fee to Lybian ports
War risk fee to Lybian ports
(April 23, 2019)
Due to the current unstable situation in Lybia our Company decided to implement an Emergency War Risk surcharge which will be applied from all the ports of the Mediterranean area to the Lybian ports .
The War Risk surcharge (WS) amounts to € 50/TEU (or $ 60/TEU) and is valid with immediate effect and until further notice.
Genoa Important notice
Genoa Logistics update
(August 17, 2018)
Our company expresses its deep and sincere sympathy to the families of all the victims involved in the tragic accident of the last 14th August.
Even in such a dramatic moment for our city, we immediately took action in cooperating with all Institutions and Authorities in charge in order to identify the best logistics solutions and allow operativity continuation for the Port of Genoa, with the clear target to ensure the full efficiency of our services.
For what concerns road connections, solutions have already been found and will be implemented very soon; for what concerns rail lines, awaiting their restoration expected within the next 15/20 days, we will guarantee connections by truck maintaining economic conditions unchanged (intermodal) to/from our IMT Terminal in Genoa, which we confirm is fully operational and flexible.
All our staff is at your complete disposal for any further information you may need, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Ignazio Messina & C.
New demurrage tariff and clauses
(June 26, 2018)
Please note that effective from m/v Jolly Vanadio voy 301, container demurrage tariffs to Iranian ports will change as follows:
First 10 days are FREE
From 11th-20th day IRR 210,000/20’ & IRR 420,000/40’
From 21st-30th day IRR 290,000/20’ & IRR 580,000/40’
From 31st-40th day IRR 500,000/20’ & IRR 1,000,000/40’
41st day onwards IRR 800,000/20’ & 1,600,000/40’
CONTAINER DEPOSIT: 20' IRR 160,000,000 40' IRR 320,000,000
First 10 days are FREE
From 11th-20th day IRR 420,000/20’ & IRR 820,000/40’
From 21st-30th day IRR 580,000/20’ & IRR 1,160,000/40’
From 31st-40th day IRR 1,000,000/20’ & IRR 2,000,000/40’
41st day onwards IRR 1,600,000/20’ & 3,200,000/40’
CONTAINER DEPOSIT: 20' IRR 320,000,000 40' IRR 640,000,000
Emergency Fuel Surcharge
Emergency Fuel Surcharge
(June 7, 2018)
The shipping fuel has become increasingly costly, as global crude oil prices have returned to peaks not reached since almost five years: therefore with immediate effect, due to the increase in bunker price, we have decided to introduce an Emergency Fuel Surcharge (EFS) involving all our Service Line Areas:
East South Africa Line:
- from Northern Europe and West Med (POL Antwerp, Setubal/Lisbon, Leixoes, Barcelona, Castellon, Marseille, Genoa, Salerno, Piraeus) to South East Africa destinations (POD Mombasa, Dar Es Salaam, Mogadishu, Nacala, Beira, Maputo, Durban, Cape Town) as follows:
Containers: USD 55/teu
Roro: USD 5/wm
First vessel: Jolly Cristallo 297 ETS Castellon 03/06/2018
BL date: 01/06/2018
Item: EFS
Validity: until further notice.
- from Mombasa & Dar Es Salaam to all destinations:
Containers: USD 55/teu
Roro: USD 5/wm (to be applied on cars also)
First vessel: Jolly Quarzo 223 ETA Dar Es Salaam 10/06/2018 - ETA Mombasa 12/06/2018
BL date: 01/06/2018
Item: EFS
Validity: until further notice
- from Cape Town, Durban, Maputo, Nacala & Beira to all destinations:
Containers: USD 55/teu
Roro: USD 5/wm (to be applied on cars also) -
First vessel: Jolly Diamante eta Durban 21/06
Item: EFS
Validity: until further notice.
West Africa Line:
- from West Med to West Africa:
Euro 40/Teu to be applied to any traffic
Effective from/v Calais Trader voy 276, ETS Genoa 7/6/18
Mediterranean Line :
- from West Med to Medit POD:
Containters: Euro 25/teu
Industrial Vehicles: Euro 10 x l.m.
Cars: Euro 30/unit
Effective from:
Libya, Malta and Lebanon: m/v Miro voy.300 ETS Naples 13/06/18
Egypt and Turkey: m/v Jolly Cristallo voy. 297 ETS Genoa 09/06/18
Algeria. m/v HH East voy. 298 ETS Genoa 15/06/18
Tunisia: we'll return to this matter ASAP
- Outward POL from the Medit Area :
West African Destinations: Usd 50/teu
East/South African Destinations: Usd 50/teu
Red Sea/Gulf Destinations: Usd 50/teu
Intra-Med Destinations: Usd 15/teu
Rolling cargo: Usd 5 w/m
Cars: Usd 30 x unit
Effective from:
Outward from Tunis: m/v Zeran 302 ETS Tunis 13/06/18
Outward from Algers: m/v HH East 298 ETS Algers 22/06/18
Outward from Mersin: m/v Jolly Cristallo voy. 297 ETS Mersin 17/06/18
Outward from Alexandria: m/v Jolly Cristallo voy. 297 ETS Alexandria 15/06/18
Outward from Libya: m/v Miro voy. 300 ETS Misurata 20/06/18
Outward from Beirut: m/v Miro voy. 300 ETS Beirut 25/06/18
Middle East Africa Line
- from Aqaba, Jeddah, Port Sudan, Djibouti, Massawa, Uae, Iranian ports, Upper Gulf, India, Pakistan ports, to all destinations :
- Containers: USD 50/teu - euro 50 /teu
Roro: USD 5/wm - euro 5 w /m
cars: usd 75 /unit - euro 75 /unit
Item: EFS
Effective from 15.06.2018 - Gulf Service m/v J. Vanadio Voy. 301r - Jeddah mv J. Quarzo Voy. 223 r )
- Validity: until further notice.
We remind that this application must be always applied also for the special commitments in force (Only Sabic/Natpet/ESL excluded ) - eventual exemption to be authorized by Head Office only
Service to Nigeria
Palletization of Container Cargo
(December 27, 2017)
According to the recent resolution issued by Nigerian Federal Ministry of Finance, as from 01/01/2018 all containerized import cargoes destined to Nigeria from any port of loading will have to be palletized .
Any non-compliance with this rule will lead to the reshipment of the container and a penalty charged to the responsible parties.
Port Community System
Decreto Autorità Portuale
(August 4, 2017)
Come da decreto n. 00095 dell'Autorità Portuale, con decorrenza 1/8/2017 è istituita una tariffa di Euro 1,23 (+ IVA ove dovuta) per ogni unità di carico in entrata/uscita nel porto di Genova, a copertura del servizio di Port Community System.
Tale importo verrà da noi fatturato unitamente alle altre prestazioni accessorie al trasporto marittimo.
Sig. Gianfranco Messina
(July 12, 2017)
È mancato questa mattina, poco prima dell’alba, il Sig. Gianfranco Messina. Riferimento indiscusso della società e della famiglia Messina, assieme ai suoi due fratelli Giorgio e Paolo ha retto per lunghi anni densi di successi il timone della nostra azienda. Naturale anello di congiunzione tra storia e futuro, anche negli anni successivi e fino agli ultimi giorni, con la sua costante presenza in azienda insieme al fratello Paolo al fianco di figli e nipoti ha dispensato preziosi consigli e stimoli a tutta la struttura aziendale con la consueta motivazione. Ci mancherà.
Il Santo Rosario sarà recitato questa sera alle ore 19.00 presso la chiesa di Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù (Genova, Via Guerrazzi 23), e il funerale avrà luogo domani 13 luglio alle ore 11.45 presso la medesima chiesa.
This morning, just before dawn, Mr. Gianfranco Messina passed away. Undisputed reference of the company and for his family, together with his two brothers Giorgio and Paolo, he successfully lead the guidance of our company for many years.
A natural link between history and future, even in the following years and up to the last few days, with his constant presence in the company together with his brother Paolo and his sons and grandchildren, he has given valuable advice and motivation to the entire company. We are all going to miss him.
The rosary will be recited today at 7 p.m. in che church of Santa Teresa del Bambin Gesù (Genoa, Via Guerrazzi 23) and the funeral will be tomorrow at 11.45 in the same church.